Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I’m sitting here on Christmas Eve morning,
Waiting for those who will come without warning.
Brothers, sisters, and children galore,
Will soon come bounding through the door.
With smiles, hugs, and presents for all,
Each doing their part to make Christmas a ball.
This week will be filled with many ambitions,
Trying to fulfill all the Christmas traditions.
But of them all, the one we will never forbid,
Is McDonald’s breakfast with Jordan and Cyd.
There is one more thing that would make my heart glow-
If only it weren’t thirty below.


On the weekend my family and I went up to Edmonton for my brother’s wedding. It was beautiful. Cold, but beautiful.

My brother, Ryan, and his best man, Hunter.

The two sweet girls...Ally and Grace.

The entertainer - Nicole's brother Julien.

The Wedding Ceremony.

Their first married kiss.


The new happy family.

Ally: tired and sick.

Pictures stolen from Ryan and my dad.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Seriously going to win!

Here is another seriously so awesome giveaway from my fave blog:


P.S. I will get back on the blogging train again soon. Apparently I am still super busy.