Saturday, October 11, 2008

Picture Tag

You have to stop what you are doing and take the following pictures NOW. No excuses! If you don't have time to blog just take the pictures NOW and blog when you can!! No cleaning, re-arranging, just have fun taking the pictures!

1. Kitchen Sink
2. Favorite room
3. Fridge
4. Closet
5. Laundry room
6. Self Portrait
7. What you or your family are doing
8. Dream Vacation
9. Favorite Shoes
10. Bathroom

1. Kitchen Sink - Luckily it's Saturday, so I already cleaned most of our apartment.

2. Favorite Room - I almost put the bedroom, because I love to sleep. But I changed my mind at the last minute and chose the living room/family room. We love to play Nintendo and watch The Office—one of the few things we have in common!

3. Fridge – Pretty empty...pretty typical.

4. Closet – Because our apartment is so tiny, our closet is so full of random things.

5. Laundry Room – Again, because our apartment is so tiny, our laundry room consists of a washer and dryer stuck in the corner of the kitchen. I’m getting used to it...

6. Self Portrait – This is my “I hate science” face. (see number 7)

7. What you or your family is doing – I am studying for my Language, Literacy, and Neurology class. We have midterms this week, and I may or may not make it.

P.S. I don't know why this picture is turned-it's normal on my computer.

8. Dream Vacation – Honestly, at this point I would be happy anywhere WARM. It started snowing today and I shed a tear. It barely became fall, and now its winter. I want to move…

9. Favorite Shoes – I couldn’t choose one pair. Here are my reasons: the madden girl shoes are so cute, but are, as my mom calls them, “one hour shoes”. Any longer than that, and you might as well cut off your feet. So after that hour, I will wear flip-flops for the remaining 23 hours.

10. Bathroom - Pretty clean—except that the sink has a leak, and all of our stuff from under there is shoved behind/around the toilet. We can never get a hold of our landlords, so it might be like that until we move out. Also, the bottom drawer is broken, but Tyler promises he will fix it today. We’ll see…

I have seen a lot of “tagging” on blogs, and this one has to be one of my favorites. I saw it on Diane’s blog, and decided I had to do it. I unofficially tag everyone who reads this, but officially I will tag: Allyson, Becca, Kari, and Kate.


The Matthews Family said...

You should have totally tagged me for the photo thing because I'm going to do it tomorrow! I know you said now, but it's dark and our pictures do not come out good in the dark with our video camera. And my batteries are dead in my camera. So check tomorrow! Things are going good with us. Makenna was super sick last week and still has an ugly cough so that's yucky, but I have the whole week off this week for Fall Break. Woo hoo!

The Gibb Family said...

Hey - I'm guessing that I am supposed to do this since you tagged me? (I'm not up to par with the blogging rules!) But I will get right on it!