Sunday, October 5, 2008

I Secretly Love Fall (Not Summer)

I look out the window and what do I see?
Leaves are falling off of every tree.
Red and yellow and orange and brown.
The leaves are falling all over the town.
I see people running into every store,
To buy decorations and pumpkins galore.
Pumpkin pies were made,
In leaves the children played.
I hope that summer doesn’t feel too betrayed.

I look out the window and what do I see?
My neighbors bringing pumpkin treats for me!
I open up my closet to take out my coat,
If I see snowflakes I might slit my throat.
I walk down the steps and off to the park.
As I arrive I hear playful dogs bark.
On the leaves I laid,
The trees around me swayed,
I hope that summer doesn’t feel too betrayed.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Is that one of your creative poems or did you get it from somewhere? I think we should try to teach it to our students. Do you think they could get it?