Saturday, August 23, 2008

Story Time...

Once upon a time, there was a young, beautiful, enthusiastic, first grade teacher. She had just begun preparing for the new school year, when she was bombarded with meeting after meeting after meeting. As she spent many pointless hours growing closer and closer to death by boredom, she discovered the power of a cell phone. Time went by so much faster as she played Bejewled and texted her husband. When the meetings finally came to an end, she arrived at her school, only to be completely attacked by boxes. There were boxes everywhere! She calmly and quickly opened each box and put away its contents…the materials for the districts new reading curriculum—Houghton Mifflin. After several days of papers, bulletin boards, laminating, cutting, cleaning, dark circles, frizzy hair, and sleepless nights, her classroom finally looked immaculate and was ready for children. Or so she thought. When the children arrived Thursday morning, she greeted them with a smile and a positive attitude. As the day went on, the nightmares began. Girls began crying for their moms, boys were fighting, children were starving by 9:00, the bells weren’t ringing, two children got lost at recess, and several took the wrong bus home. The teacher went home exhausted, drained, and questioning her career choice. But, as Friday came, many problems were solved. Snacks were passed out several times a day, just one girl cried, one lone boy was lost at recess, boys were separated, and everyone got home safely. The teacher went home, put her feet up, and booked a pedicure for Saturday afternoon. And secretly hopes Monday never comes…


The Gibb Family said...

Oh Janae - you are super funny! I'm sure everyone loves being in your class!

Allyson said...

HA HA HA! I don't have to do it this year!!! Just kidding, I desperately miss it and that was the most interesting and funny post I've read in a long time. I loved it! I can't believe you have the bravery to teach first grade. You rule.