Sunday, October 26, 2008

How can teeth be self-righteous?!

Is... an... awkward... thing... for... a... dentist... to... say... after... having... a... curry... dinner...

Yesterday we watched one of the funniest movies of all time.

It made me laugh out loud almost the entire time. Not a lot of shows can do that, you know. So far only The Office, Arrested Development, Friends, and Baby Mama have been able to accomplish this amazing task. Tears came, I was laughing so hard during the above quote. Ricky Gervais is one of my new favorite funny guys. Pretty much anything he said was funny, simply because of his voice, tone, and his sweet sweet smile.

At first I was a little (okay a LOT) sad to watch this movie, because I was originally going to see High School Musical 3 (I know I’m lame, get over it) but it was sold out. But I was very pleasantly surprised that Ghost Town was so incredibly awesome. All in all, we give it two thumbs up.

We also rented another incredibly spectacular game... Wario Shake It! It has unbelievable effects. Check it out for yourself.

WARIO! Let's go!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


These flowers are so pretty,
Bought with Tyler’s love.
I’m writing this little ditty,
About the flowers up above.
On day one they looked pretty sad,
I thought they had no chance.
On day six, they are really rad.
They make me want to dance.
A part of me feels a bit gloomy,
Knowing they won’t forever last.
I wish they could stay in our roomie,
But they seem to be fading fast.
Now I guess I’ll have to treasure,
Each moment they are with me.
For they have brought me such great pleasure,
Since our third anniversary.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

On a more personal note...

Have you ever seen someone walking on the street or somewhere, and thought to yourself – “Wow, I wish I could just be her!”? You don’t even really know the person, but you just feel that she might be more “normal” than you. Well I do that a lot – I think, “wow it would be so nice to have her life and see if she thinks the same things that I do.”

Well, we had stake conference today and to me the central message was being positive and happy. This is something I have struggled with for a lot of my life. I have never had a very high self-esteem or been happy with myself, for various reasons. Currently I am unhappy because we are still living in Rexburg, a town I dislike a lot, waiting for our life to start. I feel like we should have already moved on from this point. We have been married for three years now, and most of the people I know who have been married that long have at least one, if not two, kids. I am constantly on Tyler’s case begging him to hurry up and graduate, and sometimes blaming him for me being miserable. I know it’s not his fault; it’s just where we are in our lives. I want to just jump ahead into the future. I was talking to Emily, a good friend of mine, and she was telling me that she has learned to stop waiting for their life to start, because right now is their life. It could take a lot of time to get to where you think your life begins (a life like my parents have – with a house, kids, careers…). She has made the decision to just be happy and enjoy this part of their lives because it’s either that or be miserable waiting for the time to pass. And honestly, I am sick of being miserable about it. So…I am turning over a new leaf. I am going to accept this as our life, and enjoy it. During my time browsing other people’s blogs, I have found my new mantra. I am going to recite it everyday to get some self-worth back.

I am all of these things, and more, and so are all of you.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

New Discoveries...

I just discovered how to change the fonts, colors, sizes, etc. So I did a lot of experimenting in this blog. Reader beware...

I just sat down to type my research paper review, and decided I would much rather do this instead (especially since I know Jordan and Cyd are dying for an update…). This has been such a long week. I feel like I have been going and going without a break, so I am really looking forward to tomorrow, when I can just do nothing. Okay, where to start…

I had two midterms this week which I studied my butt off for. I have no idea how I did, so we’ll just have to wait and see and hope for the best.

Tyler left early Thursday morning to go check out graduate programs at the University of Idaho in Moscow. Luckily I have been busy enough to not be too lonely. However, when my chef leaves, I resort to Bajio, Carino’s, toast, and macaroni and cheese with cut up hot dogs (which I am eating right now). Yummy…

This week I discovered a few great things:

1. Cherry Italian Sodas are delicious.

2. Avon has the best mineral foundation for $24 cheaper than Bare Minerals. I bought eyeliner, 8 eye shadows, blush, and translucent powder for only $26. I can barely believe it. That’s like Wal-Mart prices for the vain and prideful who refuse to buy important things from there. So all you Bare Minerals users out there…stop what you are doing and go buy Avon’s mineral foundation. It’s only $7 and the best thing you’ll ever buy.

3. Being a teacher has many benefits. Some of which include no tax on school purchases, and 20% off at Barnes and Noble. But this week Barnes and Noble is giving teachers 25% off anything in the store. Needless to say I stocked up on my books I want to read. I bought these:

But I am sad I have to read these first:

4. I got my MAT scores back today, and scored in the 51st percentile…meaning I passed and can continue my graduate program. I also got my official acceptance letter today. The program has been so disorganized and crazy that about half of us weren’t accepted until recently. Thankfully, all the work I’ve done so far has not been for nothing. I get to keep going to class and running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

And now I am going to finish my work, so I have time to play when Tyler gets home.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

O.c.t.o.b.e.r = L.o.v.e

Today marks the day when, three years ago, Tyler and I got married. Also on the 13th was our first date four years ago. So we kind of have two anniversaries in one week. I thought I would have class all night, but was able to take my test and leave. Since Tyler didn’t go to his class, we actually get to celebrate…kind of. We’re just going to go to dinner, tonight, then we plan on going to the Haunted Mill next weekend (that was where our very first date was…it scared me to death, but I’ll still go back).

We decided this year to not get each other gifts, but find something that we both want—which is turning out to be harder than I thought. For those of you who don’t know us very well, we really don’t have a lot of common interests, so to find something we both want is tricky. I would love a pedicure, or a new pair of shoes…but Tyler doesn’t seem to think that would make him happy. I’m not 100% sure why… I’m sure we’ll think of something come Christmas.

I saw these two rhymes about people who marry in October:
“Married when leaves in October thin, Toil and hardship for you begin.”
“If in October you do marry, love will come but riches tarry.”

I have to say they have been very true for us. Everyone always says the first few years of your marriage are the hardest…and wow, would I have to agree. The first three years have been so difficult. We have had our fair share of problems – many involving “riches”, but it’s safe to say those are getting under control. Don’t get me wrong, we have had some wonderful times, too. Some of our favorite memories are:
Our cruise to Mexico
Road trips to Canada
The Eastern Idaho State Fair
Endless nights of working at my school (both of us)
Playing Nintendo for days at a time
Watching 24 for 24 hours straight
All in all, it has been an amazingly rough and wonderful ride, and we are looking forward to the exciting things coming ahead!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

I get sucked into things pretty easy, and saw this contest. Of course I had to sign up. Handbag Planet is giving away a purse every hour tomorrow. So how sad would it be to not even try? Go to the website, sign up, and win.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Chef Ricks

I just have to take a minute to say how much I love this guy.

Today I came home from teaching and then from an exhausting class (complete with a midterm), starving at 8:00, and he had a delicious dinner ready for us. This happens pretty much every night. Tyler has taken over the cooking. I make the list, he shops and cooks. Love it…love him!

Oh yeah, and on top of cooking, he always makes sure our apartment is clean. Again…love him!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Picture Tag

You have to stop what you are doing and take the following pictures NOW. No excuses! If you don't have time to blog just take the pictures NOW and blog when you can!! No cleaning, re-arranging, just have fun taking the pictures!

1. Kitchen Sink
2. Favorite room
3. Fridge
4. Closet
5. Laundry room
6. Self Portrait
7. What you or your family are doing
8. Dream Vacation
9. Favorite Shoes
10. Bathroom

1. Kitchen Sink - Luckily it's Saturday, so I already cleaned most of our apartment.

2. Favorite Room - I almost put the bedroom, because I love to sleep. But I changed my mind at the last minute and chose the living room/family room. We love to play Nintendo and watch The Office—one of the few things we have in common!

3. Fridge – Pretty empty...pretty typical.

4. Closet – Because our apartment is so tiny, our closet is so full of random things.

5. Laundry Room – Again, because our apartment is so tiny, our laundry room consists of a washer and dryer stuck in the corner of the kitchen. I’m getting used to it...

6. Self Portrait – This is my “I hate science” face. (see number 7)

7. What you or your family is doing – I am studying for my Language, Literacy, and Neurology class. We have midterms this week, and I may or may not make it.

P.S. I don't know why this picture is turned-it's normal on my computer.

8. Dream Vacation – Honestly, at this point I would be happy anywhere WARM. It started snowing today and I shed a tear. It barely became fall, and now its winter. I want to move…

9. Favorite Shoes – I couldn’t choose one pair. Here are my reasons: the madden girl shoes are so cute, but are, as my mom calls them, “one hour shoes”. Any longer than that, and you might as well cut off your feet. So after that hour, I will wear flip-flops for the remaining 23 hours.

10. Bathroom - Pretty clean—except that the sink has a leak, and all of our stuff from under there is shoved behind/around the toilet. We can never get a hold of our landlords, so it might be like that until we move out. Also, the bottom drawer is broken, but Tyler promises he will fix it today. We’ll see…

I have seen a lot of “tagging” on blogs, and this one has to be one of my favorites. I saw it on Diane’s blog, and decided I had to do it. I unofficially tag everyone who reads this, but officially I will tag: Allyson, Becca, Kari, and Kate.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Splish, Splash

Tyler is really interested in the environment, and especially water. Because of this, he has started his own blog about water issues. I’ve added it to my blog list, or you can go here. It’s probably a good idea, so maybe I can understand some of these important issues. At least one of us does.

This has also been the inspiration for my poem of the week. Enjoy!

Water, water everywhere.
To disappear would be a scare.
Everyday I drink and drink.
To turn off the tap I never think.
The water flows out without a care,
Not realizing it might not be there.

In a bottle I shouldn’t buy,
The reason— I’m not sure why.
“30 minutes on a treadmill,
Forever in a landfill.”
It’s a shame that I waste,
But I just love the taste.

Everyone has a part to play,
To ensure our water doesn’t go away.
Nalgene© bottles are a place to start,
And to stop buying Fiji© would be smart.
Don’t spend so much time in the shower.
Try ten minutes, instead of an hour.

If we all do our part to conserve,
We will have water left in the reserve.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Cross 'em

Tyler has an official interview in Boise tomorrow, for a job at the Senator’s office in Idaho Falls.


Sunday, October 5, 2008

I Secretly Love Fall (Not Summer)

I look out the window and what do I see?
Leaves are falling off of every tree.
Red and yellow and orange and brown.
The leaves are falling all over the town.
I see people running into every store,
To buy decorations and pumpkins galore.
Pumpkin pies were made,
In leaves the children played.
I hope that summer doesn’t feel too betrayed.

I look out the window and what do I see?
My neighbors bringing pumpkin treats for me!
I open up my closet to take out my coat,
If I see snowflakes I might slit my throat.
I walk down the steps and off to the park.
As I arrive I hear playful dogs bark.
On the leaves I laid,
The trees around me swayed,
I hope that summer doesn’t feel too betrayed.

Friday, October 3, 2008


Dear Janae, This is your stomach speaking. I suppose congratulations are in order for doing well on the MAT test today, but I cannot condone this course of action you are taking. Getting a masters degree WILL only cause you more ulcers. I know you have your own reasons for getting it, but I highly recommend you quit before I explode. But, then again, you are your own woman. Sincerely, Your Stomach.

Dear Stomach, I don’t care what you say. We can handle this. I will try not to get so stressed about it, and eat healthier. Sorry. Wish me luck. Sincerely, Janae