Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Something Important

The richest person is not the one who has everything, but the one who needs the least.

The happiest people don't have the best of everything. they make the best of what they already have.

If you remember this post, you know I am trying to be more positive in my life. It is turning out to be a lot harder than I had hoped. Somehow, I thought the more sayings I recite, the sooner I will be able to believe and live them. That isn’t working too well. I often try to find happiness in places that I really won’t. I’ve got to figure out how to just enjoy the moment, otherwise I will never truly be happy. It is still so hard to change my way of thinking. I try to love that Tyler is still going to school and I am still working, but it is just so hard. The other day I tried to make a list of “reasons I am happy my husband is still in school”. I got nothing. Well okay, I got this:

1. It gives me more time to diet and get in shape for the day when we finally have kids.
2. He does all the housework while I do schoolwork. (That’s a toss up – some days I would rather trade.)
3. I am able to get a master’s degree a lot easier than I would several years down the road.

That’s all I could come up with, but hey, it’s a start, right?

1 comment:

kate said...

that's so cute you came up with a list!! and i'm impressed you're trying so hard to change- i too find it hard to change my thinking about be more positive at times. i remember when i was having a hard time realizing that we wouldn't own a house FOREVER i prayed to find reasons why it was a good thing...it worked, seriously. i rarely ever want to own a house anymore, i can still think of lots of reasons why it's good i'll be like 40 before we ever own one! now our husbands being in school forever...that's a whole other story!