Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow Day

I woke up this morning feeling tired and sour,
But my spirits were lifted by the end of the hour.
Good news from the principal – it’s a snow day!
I then got to relax in a very big way.
Hours of TV and reading took place,
Until the time of Tyler’s returning face.
We went to a movie and then grocery shopped,
And lay on the couch until my head almost dropped.
Now off to bed, while all night I'll dream
Of another great call to make my heart beam...


kate said...

yah for snow days! i liked this poem a lot!

Ally said...

OH! What a sweet post!! I miss you my stinky face! (and won't take offense that I was listed last...lol:) I'm glad we got to share a snow day together...it pretty much made my life!